Financial Year | |
2007 - 2008 | |
2008 - 2009 | |
2009 - 2010 | |
2010 - 2011 | |
2011 - 2012 | |
2012 - 2013 | |
2013 - 2014 | |
2014 - 2015 |
Financial Year | Quarter Ended 30th June | Quarter Ended 30th September | Quarter Ended 31st December | Quarter Ended 31st March |
2008 - 2009 | ||||
2009 - 2010 | ||||
2010 - 2011 | ||||
2011 - 2012 | ||||
2012 - 2013 | ||||
2013 - 2014 | ||||
2014 - 2015 | ||||
2015 - 2016 |
TCMS - Notice of AGM |
Your Company always believes in managing its affairs with diligence, transparency, responsibility, and accountability. Your Company is of the firm conviction that good governance is a pre-requisite to attainment of excellent performance in terms of stakeholder value creation. The Company has a professional Board which provides strong foresight and strategic counsel to the operational management. In India, Corporate Governance standards for listed companies are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) through Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement with the Stock Exchanges. The stipulations mandated by Clause 49 became applicable to your Company since the time of listing of its Equity Shares on Bombay Stock Exchange Limited and National Stock Exchange of India Limited, and have been fully complied with since then. This chapter, along with the chapters on Management Discussion and Analysis and General Shareholders' Information, reports the Company's compliance with the Clause 49.
This self-regulated Code is applicable to all employees of the Company (TWENTYFIRST CENTURY MANAGEMENT SERVICES LIMITED i.e. TCMSL) and its present and future subsidiary companies to maintain the highest ethical standards of dealing in shares of the Company. The provisions of the Code are designed to prohibit Employees, Designated Employees and their Dependent Family Members from trading in the TCMSL Securities when in possession of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information.
For the purpose of this code the following terms shall have the meanings assigned
to them hereunder:
For the purpose of this Clause, the Company shall include TWENTYFIRST CENTURY
MANAGEMENT Services Limited and all its subsidiaries.
The Company Secretary of the Company is the Compliance Officer for setting forth
the policies and procedures and to implement and monitor adherence to this ‘Code
of Conduct’ and applicable laws and regulations and policies and procedures. The
Compliance Officer shall report to the Managing Director. The Compliance Officer
under this Code shall be responsible for:
(i) setting forth policies, procedures, monitoring adherence to the rules for the
preservation of Price Sensitive Information;
(ii) pre-clearing of Designated Employees and their Dependents’ trades in TCMSL
(iii) monitoring trades in TCMSL Securities and the implementation of this Code
under the overall supervision of the Board of Directors of the Company;
The Compliance Officer shall maintain a record of the Designated Employees and any
changes made in the list of Designated Employees. The Compliance Officer shall assist
the Employees in addressing any clarifications regarding the Insider Trading Regulations,
the Code and the Company’s Code of Corporate Disclosure Practices for Prevention
of Insider Trading.
No person shall either on his own behalf or on behalf of any other person, deal
in TCMSL Securities when in possession of any unpublished price sensitive information.
No person shall communicate, counsel or procure directly or indirectly any unpublished
price sensitive information to any person who while in possession of such unpublished
price sensitive information shall not deal in TCMSL Securities. Designated Employees
shall maintain the confidentiality of all Price Sensitive Information. They shall
not pass on such information to any person directly or indirectly by way of making
a recommendation for the purchase or sale of the TCMSL Securities. Unpublished Price
Sensitive Information is to be handled on a “need to know” basis, i.e. Unpublished
Price Sensitive Information should be disclosed only to those within the Company
who need the information to discharge their duty and whose possession of such information
will not give rise to a conflict of interest or appearance of misuse of the information.
If, in the performance of duties, it becomes necessary for the Employee to disclose
any price sensitive information to any person outside the Company, e.g., Advisors,
Auditors, Consultants, Merchant Bankers, Share Transfer agent etc., the Employee
shall inform the Compliance Officer of the Price Sensitive Information proposed
to be disclosed and shall ensure that the concerned Advisor, Auditor, Consultant,
Merchant Banker, Share transfer agent, etc., executes an Agreement with the Company
in such format as may be prescribed by the Company. Files containing confidential
information shall be kept secure. Computer files must have adequate security of
login and password etc.
All Directors/Officers/Designated Employees, the dependent family members of the Designated Employees, who buy/acquire otherwise than in primary market or sell/transfer by way of gift or otherwise, any number of shares of the Company shall not enter into any opposite transaction i.e. sell or buy any number of shares during the next six months following the prior transaction. All Directors/Officers/Designated Employees and their dependent family members shall also not take positions in the derivative transactions in the shares of the Company at any point of time.
The Designated Employees shall execute their order in respect of the TCMSL Securities within one week after the approval of pre-clearance is given. If the order is not executed within one week after the approval is given, the Designated Employee must pre-clear the transaction again. Subject to the provisions of Clause 7 of the Code, the Designated Employee and their dependent family members shall hold the Securities of the Company allotted to them in primary market (initial public offers) for a minimum period of 30 days in order that it be considered as being held for investment purposes. The holding period of 30 days would commence when the Securities of the Company are actually allotted. In case the sale of the TCMSL Securities is necessitated by personal emergency, the holding period may be waived by the Compliance Officer after recording in writing his/her reasons in this regard upon an application made in prescribed (Form D).
The Designated Employees will be required to make the following disclosures to the Compliance Officer: a. Initial disclosure of TCMSL Securities held by the Designated Employees and his Dependent Family Members, together with a disclosure of the names of the Dependent Family Members (refer Forms A, B and C), to be made within 2 working days from the day of joining the Company or within 2 days from the coming into force of this Code. b. Continual Disclosure in case of change in shareholding or voting rights, if there has been change in holding from the last disclosure made and the change exceeds 25,000 in number or where the market value of the TCMSL Securities to be acquired/sold / dealt in a calendar month exceeds Rs. 5,00,000 (Rupees Five Lakhs) or 1% of total shareholding or voting rights, whichever is lower (refer Forms G and I) within 2 days of such change. c. Half yearly disclosures as of 30th September, each year (refer Forms H and J), to be made by 4th October of each year. d. Annual Disclosures as on 31st March, each year (refer Forms H and J), to be made by 4th April of each year. In addition to the aforesaid Disclosures, in accordance with the provisions of the Insider Trading Regulations the Directors and Officers of the Company shall also be required to make the necessary Disclosures to the Company and the Stock Exchanges on which TCMSL Shares are listed in such manner as may be specified in the Insider Trading Regulations. The Compliance Officer shall place before the Managing Director on a monthly basis, details of the dealings in the TCMSL Securities by the Designated Employees and the accompanying documents that such persons had executed under the pre-dealing procedure as envisaged under this Code. The Compliance Officer shall maintain records of all the declarations in appropriate forms given by the Designated Employees for a minimum period of three years.
Any Designated Employee who trades in securities or communicates any information for trading in securities, in contravention of this Code may be penalized and appropriate action may be taken by the Company. Designated Employees who violate the code of conduct shall also be subject to disciplinary action by the Company, which would be determined by the Managing Director, based on the recommendations of a committee set up for this purpose. The penalty may include wage freeze, suspension, ineligibility for future participation in employee stock option plans, etc. The action taken by the Company shall not preclude SEBI from taking any action in case of violation of the Insider Trading Regulations.
To ensure timely and adequate disclosure of price sensitive information, the following norms shall be followed.
Disclosure of shareholdings/ownership by major shareholders and disclosure of changes in ownership as provided under any Regulations made under the Act and the listing agreement shall be made in a timely and adequate manner.
The Company should follow the guidelines given hereunder while dealing with analysts
and Institutional investors: - (i) Only Public information to be provided The Company
shall provide only public information to the analyst/research persons/large investors
like institutions. Alternatively, the information given to the analyst should be
simultaneously made public at the earliest.
(ii) Recording of discussion In order to avoid misquoting or misrepresentation,
it is desirable that at least two Company representative be present at meetings
with Analysts, brokers or Institutional Investors and discussion should preferable
be recorded.
(iii) Handling of unanticipated questions The Company should be careful when dealing
with analysts’ questions that raise issues outside the intended scope of discussion.
Unanticipated questions may be taken on notice and a considered response given later.
If the answer includes price sensitive information, a public announcement should
be made before responding.
(iv) Simultaneous release of Information When a Company organises meetings with
analysts, the Company shall make a press release or post relevant information on
its website after every such meet. The Company may also consider live web casting
of analyst meets.
(i) Disclosure/dissemination of information may be done through various media so
as to achieve maximum reach and quick dissemination.
(ii) The Company shall ensure that disclosure to stock exchanges is made promptly.
(iii) The Company may also facilitate disclosure through the use of their dedicated
internet website.
(iv) The Company websites may provide a means of giving investors a direct access
to analyst briefing material, significant background information and questions and
C-13, Pannalal Silk Mills Compound,
L.B.S Marg, Bhandup (West),
Mumbai – 400 078.
Tel : 022-25963838
Fax : 022-25946969